Saturday, June 6, 2015

Boring intimacy?

A British Sexologist by the name of Paula Hall says that sex for married couples works according to a 2-6-2 rule.  

This means out of 10 times that you have sex:

2 will be wow!
6 will be fine
2 will be less-than-exciting

A couple reactions:

1. This is encouraging!  Movies make us think it should be 10-0-0, right?!  So, if it's not shake-the-roof each time, you're in good company!

2. The Generous Husband, where I got the info for this post, makes an excellent point about these facts.  He states: "When you have sex infrequently, those “bad” times seem far worse. If you are going to have sex again in a day or two, the boring time is no big deal. If that’s it for the next week, or ten days, it feels far worse."

3. Certainly every couple is going to lean differently on the scale.  The question is: how can you get your numbers to lean more toward the 'fine' and 'wow' numbers?  For many couples, that is a tough conversation to have.  But are you willing to push the envelope and hope for better by having that tough conversation?  Maybe it's getting help through a book on sex, or opening up with another couple you trust, or seeing a counselor.    

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