Friday, June 12, 2015

Avatar, God, and Marriage

Ok, I'm going to get philosophical here.  Sorry.

Remember that Avatar movie with the blue people?  They would greet each other with this phrase:

"I see you."

That always stuck with me.

We "see" people all day long, but those that we know intimately are the people we truly s e e.

In reality, the essence of a person is invisible.  I can see the body of a stranger, but I cannot know them, unless they reveal that invisible part of themselves to me.

I once heard someone explain this as the reason for God's invisibility.  To know God, one must see the invisible-to tap into what God revealed about himself.  Otherwise we simply hold onto superstitious idols.

I love that I get to be one of the few to s e e my wife, to truly get inside the invisible Beth, the Beth that is truly Beth.  And, yet, I'm reminded that I have to learn continually how to gently give her safety to reveal her invisible side.

As you look at your marriage, have you built a place where it is safe for your spouse to reveal his/her true self?  And are you pursuing your spouse's invisible self?

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