Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Life on a Tuesday: 3 Little Words (but not "I Love You")

Those 3 little words

We have some good friends, who have been living on the edge of the Amazon jungle in Ecuador for the past 2 years teaching & directing at a missionary school.  Kim and Doug packed up and moved themselves and their 4 children there.


Crazy, right?!  

Honestly, I'm so inspired!  I get these ideas and then drive my husband nuts when I say "When can we go, babe?"  :)

It has been so fun to walk along side Kim and hear all the stories, the crazy jungle snake stories, as

well as the harder pieces, of doing life without much and having to start over in making friends, not being super warmly welcomed...etc.  

So, I got to chat with Kim last night.

I just love this woman.  Her transparency, her honesty, her deepness and how much we can just laugh about utterly goofy things too.  

And I made it a point to make sure I told her.  

Amongst other things, I told her how much I appreciate her and her friendship in my life.  It's such a blessing.

So simple really, but it just takes the effort & time &, well, the vulnerability to say so.  

My life is so much more rich, because she's is in it.

And the unexpected piece in all this, is that it gives the other person the space to share with you how you might be a blessing to them to.  I didn't expect to hear that from Kim, but what an encouragement when I heard her say "Beth, it's so mutual.  I appreciate you too."

Three small words, but with such great impact.

I know we all have key people in our life like this.  Does one of them need to be reminded of how much you care about them?  How truly thankful you are for them?

Be intentional, and step out and say it.  I think you'll be really glad you did!  (and of course, they will
too!  :)

BTW, Here's the link to Doug & Kim's blog in case you're curious of what life has been like for them in Shell, Ecuador.  

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