Monday, December 21, 2015

Work, Work, Work and our Anniversary

This is what it took for us to get a date out on our anniversary:

-asking our parents if they could watch the kids.
-checking our calendars together weeks in advance.
-planning for our girls to stay overnight.
-getting their pajamas and clothes for the next day.
-taking them all over to Beth's parents.
-checking that they had diapers and wipes.
-making sure that they had food for breakfast.

There's probably more in there, but those are a few.  My point is: it takes work.  We know so many couples that opt to not do the work.

But when Beth and I were able to wake up after sleeping in and then go out to a great place for a breakfast anniversary date, it was all worth it.

The principle we've gained is: the things that are most valuable in life require work.

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