Saturday, August 8, 2015

Intimacy needs friends

The other night, we got together with a sweet couple.  They really are wonderful together - two different people, but super compatible. We loved being with them.

As we ate, we enjoyed the art of adult conversation! No interruptions by little people, no bibs, throwing food, picking up sippy cups off the floor for the umpteenth time...etc.

So, we chatted about the the things that have helped us in our marriages, and things that are presently just challenging.

Challenging?! usually isn't rocket science, is it?!

Intimacy!  Of course!  lol!

With or without little ones, to get time to be together, then as a woman, we need time to connect emotionally usually, in order to actually be fully present to engage with our men!  

Yikes, that's a tall order!  

But, what Kurt and I loved was that they were both so willing to be transparent & dialogue with us.  It was refreshing!  

Intimacy is one of those things, that you need people on your side to encourage you to keep taking the next steps, whatever that may be.  You need people to acutally feel safe enough to talk about such things, and people that you feel would give you good advice because they know you and your spouse well enough.

If you have someone like that in your life, your life is so rich.

If you don't have someone, seek out those people.  

The bottom line is:  intimacy is amazingly wonderful and incredibly challenging, all at the same time.  Having people to go to be on your side in it, eases the journey and helps you realize you're more normal than you think!  :)

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