Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Asking vs. Withdrawing...the great debate

I (Beth) have talked before about how to ask for what you need from a man, by simplying using words like, "Babe, can you please help me with this?"  But what about when it's another woman?  How as woman do we best respond well to each other when there's conflict?

My preferred method of choice:  withdrawal.

Healthy?...not so much.

I'm learning.  I have so much to learn.  

So, here we come with more Alison Armstrong insights.  So, she recommends asking for what you need.  And then asking the other person what they need in order to give you what you need.  I know that sounds a little confusing, so I'll try with a little sample:  

So, Mom, I need you to encourage me and offer ideas, instead of criticzing the things I value & how I spend my time.  When you do this, I feel very discouraged and withdraw from you.  I really don't want to do that.

What do you need to give me what I'm asking for?  (She might say, that she needs more information or extra time to process it out with you...etc.)  

The whole idea is to communicate what you really need and not be afraid of the possible confrontation.  And also to do it in a way that truly respects and honors the other person.  

Here's to giving healthy communication a try!

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