Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Brave Ones

Recently I attended an annual national event called Leadercast.  It brings together some of the most successful leaders in the country to talk about what makes successful leadership.

As I sat and listened to various speakers I saw numerous ways that the principles applied to marriage.  I'll share them sporadically in the next few weeks. 

Here's the first one.

The Brave Ones.

Leadership requires bravery.

Bravery is being willing to face difficulty...on...purpose. 

This is the nature of marriage too.

Marriage is so difficult.  How do you take two people who are completely different in personality, gender, likes, quirks, and dreams and have them get along-happily?

But here's the good news.  Andy Stanley, in the opening Leadercast speech, said "Bold leadership is NOT reserved for bold people, fearless people, people with some specific talent or gift, for the ultra-smart, or ultra-resourced."

He pointed out that really smart people are so smart that they can often talk themselves out trying crazy, bold things.

But the rest of us, not-as-smart-people aren't smart enough to know we shouldn't try.  Even if you are smart, falling in love makes you dumb, doesn't it?

Love makes us brave enough to naively enter into a tremendously difficult relationship thinking we can pull it off quite easily.

So, if you're married, remember you were once brave.  You and your spouse were Brave Ones. 

I was a Brave One too, but am I still brave now?  Are you still brave? 

Are we still Brave Ones when it comes to our marriages?

Will we still face the difficulties in our relationship...on...purpose? 

That's my challenge to me and my challenge to you.

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