Monday, September 7, 2015

Breaking rules sometimes makes love grow

Every time I am in a setting where someone says, "Let's fold our hands and bow our heads," I can't help but intentionally raise my eyes heavenward and place my hands however I feel.

It has nothing to do with being averse to prayer.  In fact, my connection with my Father is
encompassing to my life.  However, I came to that connection through turning away from what I saw as lifeless, rote rituals that had little meaning to me.  Feeling comfortable and affectionate toward God has been more important to me than being formal.

Have you noticed that breaking some rules often connects you emotionally with people?

I'm not talking about 'bad' things.  I mean just random stuff
-like going over a bump with friends to make them jump.
-sneaking some cookies with your brother.
-jumping off something your parents probably wouldn't have preferred.

Many of us also found this thrill when we dated our spouses.

Maybe it was making out in a movie theater, or planning a surprise for someone together, or when Beth made me try 21 flavors of ice cream at an ice cream shoppe on my 21st birthday.

Taking risks to break expectations together naturally strengthens bonds.

Could you use some of that spark now?

Yep, it would mean ditching the schedule one day or dealing with being a little tired later.  Is today the day to try (or plan!) something fun and silly together?

1 comment:

  1. Amen. It's good to remember how yo live and laugh. Kids do this more easily than adults.
