Saturday, January 9, 2016

On your deathbed, what will have won? TV or making love?

I know it's a weird title.

You may have heard the phrase: "On your deathbed you won't wish you had spent more time at the

It's a curious thing to consider: how will you wish you had spent your time when you're at the end of your life?

As weird as it sounds, how does sex fit into this consideration?  Obviously, there are a lot of valuable ways to spend time, some even more important that sex!  However, sex is the one activity that we share with our spouse alone to the exclusion of every other relationship we have on the face of the earth.  The intimacy, the vulnerability, the bonding, the fun, the laughter, all of it is a relational cement we find nowhere else.

Yet, how often has TV been what we chose over making love with our lover?  Most don't say, "Yes, I want TV over sex," but many make this choice by default.

So, when you consider the life-long value of making love versus watching a TV show, ask yourself which you'll be happy you chose more often at the end of your life.  Hopefully, we can choose the one we love.

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