Monday, February 15, 2016

Quality time: more than words can say

"I love you!"
"You're so great at that!"
"I appreciate everything you do!"

For some people, this puts them on cloud nine.  For some others, this is like white noise from a radio in between stations.  Not that they don't like it per se, but if that's it, it feels hollow.

It's not uncommon for a guy who is not a big words of affirmation guy, to think, "I appreciate the praise, but what I really want is for her to go biking with me."

It might also look like this: a wife who enjoys making love with her husband, but who still feels low on the love-meter because he rarely takes time to sit down with some coffee and just talk to her.

These are examples of people whose love language is quality time.  This language, like the others, has many dialects.  That means that quality time can look very different to different individuals.

Here are just a few of those dialects:
-participating in a sport together
-having intimate talk time
-watching TV, movies, plays, or concerts together
-going for walks
-working on a project together
-playing together with the kids
-reading a book together in bed

The list can be as varied as there are various kinds of people.  If you're a quality time person, analyze yourself.  What counts as "quality" time for you?  In other words, what kinds of activity leave you feeling loved and valued?

Once you figure those out, make sure to talk with your lady or your man and work out a way to make it happen regularly.

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